Espresso with Passion
Tips and Techniques For Brewing Basics..

It can be a complicated task for some, while for others brewing that perfect shot of espresso may be an art form that they have mastered by now. Sure someone may be able to draw up a cool looking picture on top of your favorite espresso drink using steamed milk foam. But to truly create a great cup of coffee there are some basics you must first understand.
The based that you make every one of your espresso drinks. Understanding your coffee beans blend and how to best extract that flavor is crucial. There are certain roasts of coffee beans that are more conducive for this type of espresso brewing.
Coffee beans before they are roasted can be stored and preserved for a long period time, but once you have roasted these they only have an estimated two to three weeks of time that you have to obtain the finest and most refined flavor.
Check the label of your roasted coffee beans to see when they were roasted to give yourself a good understanding of whether or not you have a fresh or old blend. This is why some of the more in depth espresso makers may roast their own beans instead of purchasing the store bought ones.
Many of the top name brands (espresso machine judge) offer some great roasted coffee beans, but if you want to find some of the freshest and best flavored. Look for bags of roasted coffee beans that have manufactured either by very small mom and pop brands, or especially if you find a locally owned brand. These are not controlled by massive corporations and are made with the best ingredients for the best taste by local people who love make coffee.
Grinding up the coffee beans properly is essential to a great cup of coffee. Using either a bladed or burr grinding mechanism is beneficial and can work efficiently for you, but we suggest opting for a Burr. These types of grinders are capable of giving you a very fine feeling coffee, which is the most desired kind of grounds. Speak of which...
You may see an adjustable selection on your maker that includes a grinder that is labeled "coarseness". This is simple defining how fine the grounds are going to come out as. Just like the sand on a beach, a sand that is very coarse will have larger pebbles within it while a very fine sand would be like what you see in a desert.
Coffee grounds should be as fine as you possibly can make them because it will make the extraction process a lot faster and easier for the hot water. High coarse coffee grounds make it more difficult to extract from because of their larger size, however don't grind your grounds into a powder. The best consistency you want is a coffee ground that is most fine, but still has individual particles that stick together.
*Just Remember: The effectiveness of your grinder and the product that it produces is more vital to the process of making a great espresso then the machine itself.
Other things you need to consider when making your espresso are
Tamping-Make sure to buy yourself a tamping device, and pack down your coffee grounds before each brew.
Measuring-Follow instructions and measure the proper amount of water: grounds ratio.
Putting it All Together-Don't skip steps, and follow your plan completely, and you will be able to become an incredible barista over time.